When I was working on an entry for the IRTC topic Ruins, I decided I needed some grass. So I spent a couple of days playing with my bezier.inc file and came up with this.
Note 3-13-03: Updated Grasspatch to work with POV-Ray 3.5.
Part Zero Setting up the basics | |
You will need bezier.inc to use grasspatch.inc., just a warning You can include grasspatch.inc at the beginning of a file, and if you have already included bezier.inc, all the better. If you haven't it will include bezier.inc for you. A standard I use is to declare HelloWhatever at the beginning of an include file. When you include grasspatch, it checks if HelloBezier is defined, and if it is, it move on, otherwise it will include the file. Maybe this is paranoia on my part, but including some files multiple times can ask for trouble as far as I know, or at least make you use more memory than you should during parsing of a scene. Now there are three basic Patch types available:
Lets play with the settings for the blades of grass.
Some of these should be self_explanatory, the hieght of each blade will range from Blade_Height_Minimum to Blade_Height_Maximum, and if you want to change the random number seeds, feel free to. These are the three I use here. Patch_Translation is a vector that will move every blade in a uniform manner. Plot Points replaces blades of grass with small spheres, just so you can get a feel of where the patch is on the ground. By default this is off. Blade_Density control how many blades appear in one POV unit along each axis, so if your Blade_Density is two, you will have four blades on each unit squared (this is the average amount, of course). And the texture is a simple dark green with some ambient applied to keep the shadows from overwhelming the grass. This is the only way POV-Ray can counteract a shadow, but it would mess up radiosity quite a bit, I'm sure |
Part One Detailing circular patches | |
To create a circular clump of grass there isn't much that we have to do.
All that is left is to run the macro, which I have called You may notice that the blades are concentrated in the center and this can be corrected by adjusting Spread_Correction:
And of course to make a ring we simply declare Clump_Radius_Minimum to be something greater than zero:
![]() 1. A Simple Circular Clump
![]() 2. Better Distribution
![]() 3. Ring of grass?
Part Two The Square Patch | |
The square field has a few different properties. It will lie on a grid on the x-z plane.
![]() 4. Normal Square Plot
Part Three The Polygon Patch | |
The Polygon patch is loads of fun, but version 1.0 of grasspatch.inc doesn't do the greatest job of making it look like a rigid polygon. In fact, the shapes aren't rigid polygons, but because ofthat we can make slightly more complex shapes:
This is the code for image 5. Poly_Radius_Range works by reducing the radius of the patch by a certain amount, dependant on the angle. If it is set to 1 the sides will be sucked into the center of the polygon. If it is set to 0 you will end up with a circular patch. Setting it to a negative number will create cloverleaf type shapes as well. This is adjusted by Clump_Radius_Maximum.
Some recomendations for "straight" edges:
Of course, with semi-regular polygons you will want to, on occaison, to rotate the patch, so declare
Just for fun, lets play with some settings:
![]() 5. A triangular patch
![]() 6. A starry patch
Part Four The Curving Path Patch | |
The Curving Path Patch relies on declaring a spline with bezier.inc. It ignores the y component of the path, and deals only with the x and y components. For the image I used a smaller Clump_Radius_Maximum to focus the blades closer to the spline.
![]() 7. A Path Patch
Part Five Blade Details | |
The blades of grass can now be customized to some extent. The curve has been made more natural and the width is now customizable. There file will also allow you to reduce the detail of the blades as they get further away from the camera.
Use_Blade_Distance toggles whether or not you use detail loss at a greater distance or not. If Use_Blade_Distance is true, then Max_Blade_Angle and Min_Blade_Angle are used. If Use_Blade_Distance is false, then Blade_Detail is used uniformly on all the blades. The blades are contrained in a cone_shape, the angle from the central height to the side are dictated by Max_Blade_Angle and Min_Blade_Angle. Since this is hard to describe, image 8 hopefully tells the story well. Blade_Scale allows you to alter the entire scale of the blade. It's a global change since grasspatch.inc assumes 1 unit = 1 inch. You'll want to change that to 1/12 if 1 unit = 1 foot in your scene. Blade_Width allows you to alter the width of the blade to some extent. The default is 0.075 which can make a thinner blade. Image 9 shows two blades, one with width 0.075 and one with width 0.25. The next few declarations involve a potentially time saving device. Blades of grass that have a lot of detail to the curve are useful when they are close to the camera, but when they are far away they don't need to be as detailed, so if we calculate fewer points, we get fewer triangles, less parse time, and a faster render. You don't have to use this feature, so you can turn it off by declaring Use_Blade_Distance = false. You will need to declare Camera_Position to be the camera location point. (It doesn't really have to be, but the effect is more practical when they are the same.) and Max_Blade_Detail and Min_Blade_Detail, as well as Max_Detail_Distance and Min_Detail_Distance. At Max_Detail_Distance the blades will have Max_Detail_Distance. The detail will decrease until the distance between the blade and the camera position is equal to Min_Detail_Distance. At this point and whenever the distance is greater than that, the blade will have Min_Blade_Detail. |
![]() 8. Blade Angles Illustrated
![]() 9. Two blades
Thanks for watching.
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